Unchartered Territory: Finding My Own Adventure

Over twenty years ago I was dining with a new friend. We shared bits of our lives including the activities that we enjoyed doing. She remarked to me, “You certainly are an adventurous person.” Until then I had not thought of myself as adventurous, but it did resonate with my lifestyle.

My sense of adventure involves curiosity, accepting uncertainty, and stepping gingerly out of my comfort zone. I have traveled the world and experienced sights and people that have enlightened me. As I get older, however, I am losing some of that sense of adventure and I am grappling with that recognition.

I continue to be curious about the world. On the other hand, I am feeling more content to experience life through other people’s adventures. I admire friends like Stephanie who is riding her bicycle across the US for the second time and Sandy who is touring around the world solo. I value new undertakings but question whether I must experience them first-hand any longer. Armchair travel has advantages.

Uncertainty has never held me back in the past if I had enough information about something. I have taken calculated risks without hesitation. Trying unusual foods or a new activity has not deterred me. Yet, I am finding that I am less flexible in adapting to change. Although advantages to caution, I may be missing unexpected and thrilling opportunities.

I continue to dream about traveling and especially experiencing the outdoors. I like events that go as planned and recognize that something becomes an adventure when unexpected challenges arise, large or small. For example, a year ago I was snowshoeing with a friend. It was a lovely day until I dropped my favorite water bottle, and it skittered down the hill. As I tried to get it back, I fell numerous times into tree wells and eventually had to crawl back to the trail. A minor escapade, I guess, but it made the walk an adventure.

I do not want to lose my sense of adventure. I want to continue to have an adventurous mindset as I age. I seek to maintain a positive attitude and convince myself that challenges are opportunities for growth and not obstacles. Whether I travel or not, I hope to continue to find excitement and adventure in everyday experiences.