Things You Do Once (or Twice)

A friend and I were walking around Lake Estes in early summer several years ago. We came upon a herd of cow elk with two-week old calves. They were so cute! To not disturb, we cautiously took a detour around them. We met two women who were headed our way and excitedly told them about the cows and baby elk ahead. Their response was, “Thanks, but we saw them last year.”

Their response bothered me. I never tire of seeing and doing some things more than once. On the other hand, some enjoyable (and not so enjoyable) experiences in life only need to happen once.

Variety can be the spice of life. In addition, repeating treasured experiences can be zestful.  As much as opportunities can be similar with repetition, many are different depending on the circumstances. Some of the trails I hike in the park, for example, never get old no matter how many dozen times I do them. I see the same wildflowers year after year, and they continue to give me joy. The seasons make each trek different.

My RAGBRAI Friends

Events often change over time. I have ridden RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) six times. It was fun with my friends and when my parents were still alive in Iowa. I doubt, however, that I will do it again.

Other wonderful experiences only need to happen once. For example, I ran the Boulder Bolder several years ago and enjoyed it, but don’t need to repeat. I have run memorable marathons (e.g., Honolulu, Marine Corps, Big Sur, Drake Relays) and have never done the same one twice.

Friends in North Carolina talked me into going sky diving one Saturday morning. I especially loved the quietness of being in the parachute floating down, but it is a once-in-a lifetime happening for me.

I have a bucket list of countries I would like to visit. I have curiosity about places that I have not seen. I appreciate unexplored places as well as my favorites. A new mantra for me is, “Life is short. Do stuff that matters.” That might be repeats, or new things. I am grateful for choices in my life.