The Rings Inside of Me

“You are in me, like a ring inside a tree. I won’t forget it.” This quote came from a book I recently read, The Exiles. This idea resonated with me as I have been thinking about people that I currently know or once knew.

This book was difficult to read because of descriptions of suffering people. It has, however, moments of hope and joy as it tells the overlapping story of three mostly resilient women—two who were exiled to Australia because of alleged crimes committed in England and one whose only crime was being born Aboriginal. The historical fiction is thought-provoking. Although not a happy story, the rings of a tree metaphor highlighted the female friendships.

If you have followed my blogs, you know that I have come to love trees and all their symbolisms. The ideas that the three women shared about rings of the trees inspired me.

Angelina first described, “When you cut down a tree, you can tell how old it is by the rings inside. The more rings, the sturdier the tree. So…I imagine I am a tree. And every moment that mattered to me, or person I loved, is a ring. …All of them, keeping me strong.” Later, Mathinna whose story ended sadly, reiterated to her friend Hazel, “And every ring is someone ye care about, or a place that you’ve been. Ye carry them with ye wherever ye go.”

I am grateful for the rings of people and experiences that give me sturdiness today. I think of my life in stages of time and remember fondly those who influenced me most. I cherish those growing up friends that I continue to care about even though some have passed away. The professional friends that became personal friends continue to inspire me. I value the friendships I made through sports, running, music, and most recently volunteering. All keep me strong.

I hope to gain more rings over time and am bolstered by what I have within me today. I like carrying those rings of people, places, and experiences in my trunk.

2 thoughts on “The Rings Inside of Me”

  1. I absolutely love these thoughts. Thinking of the people that we have known over the years as rings in our own story is so interesting. I will have to read this book. Thanks for sharing.


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