Smile Snacks in My Everyday Living

Bunny tracks in the snow, ice crystals clinging to grasses, a gentle warning from a fellow walker about ice ahead, the chirping of a chickadee—these are incidents that happened one morning as I was walking along Lake Estes. I call them smile snacks.

Several weeks ago, I read an article about “joy snacks” in the Washington Post (WP). Although I liked that notion, I think of joy as something internal and broad. The events that happen serendipitously in my life and cause a physical external reaction on my face are what I call smile snacks.

I asked ChatGPT what it knew about joy snacks or smile snacks, and it suggested it might be some kind of product one could buy. Obviously “artificial intelligence” was wrong and not able to articulate what the emotions of joy or smiles might mean.

Smile snacks are identifiable to me and something I am open to each day. They provide a way of tuning into the pleasant, lovely, and unexpected experiences of my everyday living.

Smile snacks improve the mood of my day. Big events that make me happy are important, but these smaller experiences add up to bring meaning. These positive emotions help me feel connected to a bigger world. One of the co-authors of the WP article noted that, “It’s not just about you creating meaning in your head… It’s about detecting meaning that’s already out there.”

Recently I came across another similar idea called glimmers. “Glimmers are those moments in the day that make you feel joy, happiness, peace, or gratitude. Once you train your brain to be on the lookout for glimmers, these tiny glimmers will occur more and more.”

I prefer the idea of smile snacks because it evokes turning up the corners of my mouth. Physiologically in a stressful situation, a smile relaxes one’s face and can lower stress.

Being open to smile snacks is important. They do not happen all the time, but I am learning to acknowledge when those opportunities occur. Noting beauty, having a brief connection, or remembering something special provides emotional nourishment to me.

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