Shall We Wake Her Up?

Mog, looking at the clock that says 5:27am: Shall we wake her up? It IS our “normal” time for feeding in the morning, but Libby and Skyler never fed us until the sun was well up. I’m hungry and I can wait.

Gitch: Mom got home kinda late last night. It was WONDERFUL to see her again. I think we should let her sleep this morning.

Mog: OK, I guess. For a while anyway. She was happy last night when she arrived although a little tired after being on an airplane all day. I wonder what that would be like.

Gitch: I hope I never find out. I am glad to stay put.

Mog: She sounded like she had had a good trip. She was quoting Mary Oliver who stated, “I love travel which reveals something new at every glance, every turn. Pay attention. Be astonished.”

Gitch: She was gone a long time and not paying attention to me. Now that she’s back, it doesn’t seem that long.

Mog: She went to Ireland for the first time. She remarked it was beautiful, lush, green—no wonder they call it the Emerald Isle. She described the landscape as astonishing and loved walking along the Dingle Peninsula cliffs with the ocean down below.

Photo by Deb Bialeschki

Gitch: It’s green here but still snow on the mountains. We will never see an ocean, and I am content with our scenery here. Why does she travel when we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world?

Mog: She likes new views on this big world. She said she missed us and didn’t see many kitties on her trip. I am glad about that–I hate competition. She did mention hundreds of baby lambs and I know she adores them in the springtime. Next to kitties, sheep are the best.

Gitch: She looked the same as she did when she left so I guess that she and her travelling friends had a fun time. What is Guinness anyway? She developed quite an affinity for it.

Mog: The best part of drinking the Guinness was sharing it with her friends as well as the interesting and kind people they met along the way.

Gitch: I’m glad she’s home.

Mog: Me too. I missed the scritch scratches and the warm lump she makes on the bed.

Gitch: It is time for breakfast, isn’t it?

Mog: Let’s wake her up gently and slowly, and let her know we’re glad she’s home.

2 thoughts on “Shall We Wake Her Up?”

  1. This might be my favorite one so far! Glad you liked the Guinness, too.

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