Routine Chores and Summer Memories

When people talk about leisure experiences, they may refer to routine activities as well as special events and activities. Leisure researchers refer to these as CORE and BALANCE experiences. Both are important and the special times are often most memorable.

View from Pinion Ridge Park, Central City, Iowa

Core activities are common, every day, low cost, and usually home centered. Balance activities are less common, less frequent, out of the ordinary opportunities. Vacations are an example of balance, but balance activities need not be that extensive.

As I grow older, I appreciate the core activities of my everyday life. I like routine and continuity. I like days that are “uneventful.” On the other hand, I look forward to special times that deviate from my varied routine. As summer comes, I think about the core and balance activities that I remember growing up.

Routine activities (e.g., chores) on the farm were necessary and mundane. I did not mind feeding my sheep and looking after them every day. Dad and I were happy for an “ordinary” day because it meant there were no crises.

When I reflect on summers on the farm, however, I recall with fondness the impromptu times after work was done. One special family outing was to go to the nearby county park, Pinicon Ridge, on Sunday evenings and have a cookout. Mom prepared the side dishes (it was not non-routine for her!) and then we would grill steaks, pork chops, or lamb burgers. These outings were usually just the immediate family since we sometimes did not know what the day would bring, especially when fieldwork came first.

Other balance events that occurred were random evenings when my aunts and uncles and cousins, or neighbors, would get together for “dessert.” Sometimes we would have a watermelon that had been chilling in a cow tank all day. Other times it would be apple crisp or fresh berry pie. A special treat was making hand churned homemade ice cream. I recall the competition with my sisters to lick the pulled paddles from the ice cream maker.

In retirement today it feels like I have choices regarding core and balance activities. I appreciate my daily schedule of writing, volunteering in the park, and hiking. On the other hand, I love parties with friends as well as occasional nights to dine out. I relish opportunities to travel, and I know how glad I am to return to my core routine.