My favorite song from Wicked is “For Good:”
“Like a comet pulled from orbit (Like a ship blown from its mooring)
As it passes a sun (By a wind off the sea)
Like a stream that meets a boulder (Like a seed dropped by a bird)…
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better…
I have been changed for good.”
I have been lucky to have had “peak experiences” and “moments of insight” in my life that have changed me for the good. I believe in the importance of moments and seek to recognize them when they come serendipitously or intentionally.
Chip and Dan Heath published a book in 2017 entitled The Power of Moments. They contend that human lives are highly variable, and positive moments are dominated by elements such as insight, pride, and connection. Brief experiences can change lives. I discussed some possibilities in the recent blog I wrote about kindred spirits. Sometimes these opportunities happen spontaneously and sometimes they can be orchestrated.
I have long been interested in research on the benefits of organized camp experiences for children and adults. I had a “moment” as a high school 4-H camper that changed my life. I didn’t completely understand what had happened at that moment, but in reflection I realized how significant it was. I had a college aged counselor whom I admired. I was not a talkative person but her parting words she wrote on a card to me was, “Share, share, share, Love, love, love.” My confidence surged after that experience and has since shaped my life.

I am fortunate to have had positive experiences that changed me for good. Receiving recognition and awards has been wonderful. However, moments that change one’s life are often subtle. Coaches, teachers, parents, siblings, and friends have the potential to offer the possibilities of positive moments. Unfortunately, moments can also be negative and recognizing that cannot be ignored.
Many defining moments occur in youth, but they can happen at any stage of life. Being adventurous and open to new experiences may facilitate these moments. They all help me be “the best version of myself.” I hope I can also pay positive moments forward.
Karla.. your last line.
You have
You do
You will
Thx for sharing your thoughts