Gratitude Journaling

Over the past several years, I have included at least three things I am grateful for each day when I write in my morning journal. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for many reasons. I believe, however, that thanksgiving should be my daily exercise. As I reflect on the holiday, I reread my gratitude entries over the past year. I strive to identify the BIG and recurring happenings as well as the small and personal observances that brighten my life. I suspect you would have more to add. Here are a few examples from my journal. I am grateful for:

  • Foggy mornings
  • The sound of elk bugling
  • My first sip in the morning of caramel colored dark coffee
  • Timed entry to Rocky Mountain National Park
  • The end of Timed Entry into the park
  • Vaccines that I don’t have a reaction to
  • A full moon rising
  • A full moon setting
  • A life of the mind
  • Fresh garden vegetables
  • Hiking to Chasm Lake
  • Sweet cinnamon rolls
  • Living in a warm house
  • My friend’s recovery from poor health
  • Electricity
  • Aspen glow on Longs Peak in the early morning
  • Birthday cupcakes
  • Walks with borrowed dogs
  • The opportunity to make music
  • Philanthropists
  • Talented and committed young people
  • Zoom
  • The quietness of nature
  • Mountain lion tracks
  • Wispy clouds
  • Getting a year older and wiser
  • A relaxing massage
  • My Iowa roots
  • My cuddly cats and their health
  • A good night’s sleep
  • Travel to interesting places
  • A quiet night at home
  • Clean air and water
  • Ducks and geese on Lake Estes
  • Good books and libraries
  • Unclogged drains
  • Kind people
  • Pizza and friends to share it with
  • March Madness
  • Embodying service living
  • Park Rangers
  • Hot chocolate after a volunteer day at Bear Lake
  • A negative COVID test
  • The quiet of early mornings
  • Old friends
  • A dependable car
  • Women’s basketball
  • Sunshine on my shoulders
  • Conversations with my sisters
  • Open windows at night
  • A safe trip
  • Gentle rain
  • Lightning in the distance
  • Being able to adapt to change
  • The professional career I had
  • Humble people
  • Rhubarb pie
  • Babies of all kinds
  • A kitty sitting on my lap
  • Unexpected gifts
  • Choices in what to do with time and money
  • A new roof
  • Friends for celebrating Thanksgiving and thanksgiving.

5 thoughts on “Gratitude Journaling”

  1. Thanks for sharing your ‘thankful’ list, Karla — a great way to start the day! There is so much for which to be thankful every day. Happy Thanksgiving!

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