
Four years ago, I made a New Year’s resolution to be consciously grateful. Initially I kept a little box with scraps of paper and pen next to my toothpaste holder and jotted a couple notes each evening before I went to bed about what I was thankful for that day. After a few weeks, I incorporated my gratitude into a few sentences at the end of each of my morning journal entries.

These years have resulted in heaps of thankfulness. At first it was easy to write ideas as the universe was open to me. Many appreciations were overtly obvious such as colorful morning sunrises and snow-capped mountains.

Over time, however, I began challenging myself to be more mindful and acknowledge the blessings that I often took for granted. I looked for little moments that made me smile each day. Gratitude jottings helped me pause and think about the day and what was unique and/or special such as juicy oranges and a heartfelt thank you from a stranger.

As I peruse my gratitude notes over the past years, I can identify several themes including nature, animals, people, privilege, and food. Here are a few examples:


  • The full moon rising on a cold winter evening
  • City parks full of active people
  • Warm days in February
  • Volunteering in Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Watching approaching thunderstorms
  • Sunshine on my shoulders


  • A cuddly brown tabby cat sitting on my lap
    • People dedicated to protecting wild and domestic animals
    • The quizzical looks and sweet mews of elk calves as they follow their moms around in late spring
    • A marmot oblivious to the rest of the world nibbling on yellow flowers
    • Geese that land gracefully flat-footed on Lake Estes


  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream
    • People who make me laugh
    • Dedicated co-volunteers who care deeply about the environment
    • Parents who love(d) me unconditionally
    • The kindred spirits in my writing group
    • Kind and generous friends who offered boundless help after my shoulder surgery


  • A car that gets me where I want to go
  • A warm shower after a cold day volunteering at Bear Lake
  • Christmas lights all over our little mountain town
  • Asthma medicine that helps me breathe better
  • The rights that I have and the responsibilities that go along with those rights


  • A little piece of chocolate after dinner
    • A holiday feast with friends
    • White pizza
    • Sticky, gooey cinnamon rolls
    • Rich dark coffee with cream

My gratitude journal enables me to reflect on and appreciate the good things each day. It keeps me grounded in the blessed life I live and the big and little moments that feed my soul.

I am especially grateful today that I got my second coronavirus vaccine. I am beholden to the researchers, manufacturers, distributors, health professionals, and other essential workers who have made this possible. I will be even more thankful when everyone in the world has access to the vaccine. My gratitude is especially huge and visible today, and it reminds me to continue to express my thankfulness with every opportunity I get.

13 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. I too started writing daily gratitudes and mine often center on the people I know, people who help me (paid and unpaid), people who work so I may benefit (coffee growers, librarians, park workers, scientists, doctors/nurses, etc) and people who are positive influencers. Like you it has changed my view of my little world and the bigger world. I am taking less for granted (freedom to travel, go to the movies, hug a friend etc). Life is short so frankly I wish I had started this grateful journey sooner but started it I have. Read “Thanks a Thousand” it’s a TEDX book! Keep writing!!

  2. This is such a good practice – I think I’m going to start doing it. Thanks, Karla. Anne B.

  3. As always, enjoyed this entry a lot… and I love looking back through my gratitude journal I started about 1.5 years ago. Sometimes, it is the simplest things that I am most grateful for- the easily overlooked, the taken-for-granted, the unremarkable that I think enriches my life the most…. 🙂

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