Celebration of a Bit of a Milestone

I posted over 50 blogs in the past year under wanderingwonderingwithkarla.net. It is hard to believe that I reached this milestone given my trepidation about this project. I wondered: Would I have anything interesting to say? Would I have the motivation to write each week? Would I be willing to take compliments with potential criticism? One week at a time added up.

Writing to share beyond the academic writing I did during my career was a major retirement goal. Without the expectations of teaching, research, and being a good colleague, I hoped to have time to savor the writing experience. It took six years to muster the courage to post the first blog. The support of friends made it possible.

I like the blogs I wrote. They are about me and my experiences and reflections. I own them. Writing about oneself, however, has pros and cons. I know more about myself, obviously, than anyone else. On the other hand, I am a private person and am exposing myself to the world.

I thought about the possibilities of a blog for years and did frequent reflections that remained as ideas in my journal and/or in draft form on my computer. I felt confident in my writing skills in publishing textbooks and professional articles but writing about my personal wandering and wondering was a different genre.

I am grateful to close friends and my Estes Park writing group for encouraging me. They listened to my rough sketches and gently asked from time to time, “Have you published your blog yet?”

Writing thoughts and ideas is invigorating. The technical aspect of getting the blog online is the hard part. I could do more with graphics, pictures, and layout but that interests me little compared to sharing my points of view.

My goal was to post once a week and that worked. I usually have 2-3 blogs in draft form going that I work on each day. I do not know how much longer I will continue. For now, I have ideas and dozens of beginning notes with whims that may or may not develop into something interesting.

I will persist as long as I am having fun. If it becomes onerous, I will stop. If I run out of ideas, I will discontinue the writing. Although I say to myself that it does not matter if anyone reads my blog, I am grateful for those of you who follow my entries or read the posts occasionally. I hope that some bring a brief smile and/or provide a prompt for reflecting on subjective experiences that might be similar to mine.

Even if I do not have readers, I have found this writing enables me to reflect on my life and feelings that are significant. My values are evident in what I choose to write as I have the privilege of wandering and wondering.

9 thoughts on “Celebration of a Bit of a Milestone”

  1. I’ve read them all, Karla, and enjoyed reading your thoughts and reflections. I’ll look forward to more as they brighten my day and prompt my own memories. Congratulations on #50!

  2. Happy 50th blog! I just have to tell you that I love reading your blog. It is thoughtful and insightful and I applaud you for doing it. I always look forward to seeing it come up in my email box!
    Thanks Karla!❤️

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I have enjoyed reading them and hope you continue for a long time!

  4. I too have read each blog and enjoyed getting to know you better (even though we have shared many a tent!) I too am trying to get into journal writing and the daily rigor of that. Keep writing and sharing!

  5. I always enjoy reading your blogs. So glad you decided to do this. Thanks, Karla. ANNE

  6. I can’t believe you have posted 50 already!!!! I have certainly enjoyed them and look forward to Wednesdays to see what you have in store for us readers that day. 🙂 I’m glad you will continue to post- at least for a while longer as you continue to wander and wonder.

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