Celebrating the Old Year

Happy New Year! Celebrating the new year is a means for looking back and looking ahead. I gave up making new year’s resolutions years ago, but an appealing idea is Celebrating the Old Year and acknowledging small moments I remember (and in some cases wrote about) in 2022.

The new year offers ways to improve myself and support the communities I care about. It also creates opportunities for reflection on things that made me smile:

  • Seeing my kitties’ quiver butts of excitement when they are about to be fed
  • Listening to the calls of cow elk to their babies, and vice versa
  • Noting the first pink light from sunlight on the Continental Divide
  • Discovering mountain lion tracks along a trail
  • Bubbles rising in ice on an alpine lake
  • Sensing the wiggly bottoms of happy dogs
  • Clouds that look like an image of something
  • Warm creamy hot chocolate
  • The first sip of coffee in the morning
  • Coming upon a tiny snowperson on a trail in the park
  • My kitties nudging my hand to tell me it is time to get out of bed (and feed them!)
  • A snowshoe hare peaking out from his hiding place in the trees
  • The stealth sound of goose wings as they fly overhead
  • Putting on festive socks each Monday to celebrate “Sock Monday” at the park
  • Getting an unexpected call/email/text from someone from my past just to say hello
  • Birds delighting on the fresh seeds at the birdfeeder
  • Remembering the fun and funny aspects of people who began their unearthly journeys this year
  • Hearing a song associated with warm memories from a time long passed
  • Wailing on a trumpet fanfare in band
  • Anticipating the first sight of the full moon rising
  • Stopping and staring at a beautiful landscape
  • The seriousness and pride of a child getting sworn in as a Junior Ranger
  • And much more…

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